Profitable Salon Owner Podcast

EFT Tapping and Self-Care Strategies for Salon Staff Support

Episode Summary

In this episode of the Profitable Salon Owner Podcast, host Kayla Swanson welcomes Carla Sardinha-Unger, a personal growth coach and EFT tapping practitioner, to discuss alternative support methods for salon staff. They delve into the challenges faced by salon professionals and the importance of self-care in the industry. Carla shares her 30 years of experience in the salon industry and how personal struggles led her to explore modalities like EFT tapping. The conversation highlights the mental and physical toll of salon work and the role of practices like EFT tapping in mitigating these challenges. Learn about EFT tapping as a technique to disrupt habitual patterns and promote emotional balance. Discover practical self-care tips and the significance of gentleness and self-awareness in maintaining well-being in a demanding profession. Find out how you can implement EFT tapping and self-care strategies in your salon to support your staff and create a healthier work environment. Don't miss this insightful discussion on supporting salon staff's mental and emotional well-being. Subscribe to the Profitable Salon Owner Podcast for more episodes on salon management, staff support, and personal growth strategies. Join us in creating a thriving salon business while prioritizing self-care and staff well-being.

Episode Notes

Introduction: Kayla Swanson hosts the "Profitable Salon Owner Podcast," sponsored by Salon Scale, discussing salon management and staff support.

Guest Introduction: Kayla invites Carla Anger, a personal growth coach and EFT tapping practitioner, to discuss alternative support methods for salon staff.

Carla's Background: Carla shares her 30-year journey in the salon industry and how personal challenges led her to explore modalities like EFT tapping.

Salon Work Challenges: The discussion delves into the mental and physical toll of salon work, emphasizing the need for self-awareness and self-care.

EFT Tapping Explanation: Carla explains EFT tapping as a technique to disrupt habitual patterns and bring the body to a calmer state.

Tapping Process: The process involves tapping on specific points of the body while acknowledging emotions to achieve emotional balance.

Gentleness and Self-Care: Carla emphasizes the importance of gentleness and self-care, urging listeners to honor themselves and connect with their emotions.

Resources for EFT Tapping: Viewers are encouraged to explore resources like the Tapping Solution app for learning and practicing EFT tapping.

Key Takeaways: The discussion highlights the significance of emotional expression, self-awareness, and gentle self-care in the salon industry.

Closing Remarks: Kayla and Carla thank viewers and invite them to subscribe to the podcast for more insights into salon management and personal growth.